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Pleasure Journey

12 x 1-hour long sessions reconnecting you to your power and wealth through sacred pleasure.

  • 1 h
  • Online

Service Description

Embark on a transformative journey with the Pleasure Journey coaching package. This coaching package guarantees to shift your reality from the inside out. This program is designed to help you unravel wounds around self-worth and scarcity, guiding you towards a life filled with pleasure and the fulfillment of your deepest desires. You will be transformed and renewed on all five levels of change (somatic, emotional, mental, behavioral and unconscious) Month 1- return to safety in your nervous system. One of the most challenging levels of the journey back to pleasure is the reset, the pause, the presence. As a recovering over achiever, I tend to attract women who also want to GET SHIT DONE! And I get it. Our culture has set us up to play in a race we didn't even know we signed up for. We're out of breathe, frazzled, and running towards someone else's goals. This is where we bring the unconscious conscious and see where you have been limiting yourself. For some clients, this is the most challenging month of the program and can bring up a lot of heavy energy. We can not create from a place of chaos and I intend to set you up for success for the long term with incredible tools, processes and techniques unlike any other! Month 2- From the place of stillness and clarity, the desires surface. This month is focused on connecting your mind and body. Now that your mind is present, you will begin to feel your body speaking to you in ways you did not know it could. Through somatic practices and ancient wisdom, we will unlock your pleasure and power and fully embody your future self right here, right now. This is an imperative part of the pleasure journey. I wish someone told me sooner that "when" is an illusion, there is only here and now. Our egos will try to discourage this, while our essence knows this to be true. Month 3- Aligned Magic. This is where you begin to co create and see your desires come to fruition through aligned action and manifestation like you've never experienced. You can expect to open up to deeper intimacy with yourself, lovers and friends. From this place, you will begin to learn the magic of giving and receiving. The reciprocity that flows through all of nature. You will see where lack of self-worth, scarcity, and fear are all the same energy blocking you from better sex, more money, and personal power that does not cast shadows on others, rather calls everyone around you to rise.

Contact Details

325 West 14th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada

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